Resources for Democracy was implemented by the NGO Support Centre in collaboration with the University of Nicosia and the Center for Sustainable Peace and Democratic Development (SeeD). The project was funded by UNDP-ACT and run through August 2014 to October 2015.
Aims and Purposes
The project sought to draw from the expertise and academic excellence of the organizations that comprise the implementing consortium and lay the grounds for the creation of an established, academically accredited programme on Civic Participation in Cyprus. A programme that would provide students and CSO practitioners both from Cyprus and the Euro-Mediterranean region with the theoretical understanding and practical knowledge in the field, contributing towards a vibrant civic society.
Main Activities and Products
The consortium developed a face-to-face course and two online modules, which were academically accredited by the University of Nicosia, along with original academic material on the field. These courses were available to students and CSO activists, from Cyprus and the region, without any restrictions in terms of ethnicity, gender or age.
Additionally, and as part of the project, a regional workshop/conference was held in Cyprus with the participation of academics and CSO practitioners from the region.
Finally, the project developed a series of audio and audio-visual learning tools exploring various issues in the fields of democratic governance, active citizenship and civic participation. These tools along with information about the courses developed and delivered through the project can be found in the Resources for Democracy’s platform. You may access the platform here.